1. Loading data

xarray_well_ice.xw_load.load_xw_pressure(adr, skiprows=2, header=1, col_name='P', col_date='TIMESTAMP', **kwargs)

Load date for pressure file

xarray_well_ice.xw_load.load_xw_tilt(adr, skiprows=2, header=1, col_date='TIMESTAMP', **kwargs)

Load date for tilt file

2. Pressure xr.DataArray accessor

class xarray_well_ice.xw_pressure.xwp(xarray_obj)

This is a classe to work on pressure file


Constructor for xwp.


xarray_obj (xr.DataArray) – pressure DataArray


list of weak references to the object

3. Tilt xr.Dataset accessor

xarray_well_ice.xw_tilt.average_dudz(da, depth, date_init=None, date_end=None, captor='SCL', function=<function DataArrayAggregations.mean>, **kwargs)

Compute the average of du/dz other a given periode

class xarray_well_ice.xw_tilt.xwt(xarray_obj)

This is a classe to work on tilt file from borehole logging


Constructor for xwp.


xarray_obj (xr.Dataset) – Xarray Data Set


list of weak references to the object

plot_captor(i, date_init=None, date_end=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot raw data from inclinometer

plot_raw(opt='SCL', **kwargs)

Plot raw data for a given captor.


opt (string) – Name of the captor


du/dz = Delta tan(theta) / Delta t